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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:14 pm    Post subject: Re: let's start over

Did the two units ever work well together, or this is the first time you've tryed to connect this TV to this receiver?

As far as a 36" TV being a pain to transport ... use the reverse of how it came to be in your home. You may have to hire someone to transport.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:25 pm    Post subject: Aux inputs

Thank you very much. It sounds like I will need to take both units to an electronics repair shop. I thought maybe I could check it with a digital multi-tester.

Transpoting the reciever is no problem but moving a 36" tube TV is a real pain.

Oh well!

Thanks Again for posting!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:38 pm    Post subject:

"First I put the audio outputs from the TV to Aux 1."

I presume you're talking "line level" or "variable" - up to line level - audio output (NOT "speaker" level) Question Question
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:37 pm    Post subject:

I believe your TV audio output come as a dc volt that can blew your aux circuit, if you have oscilloscope, measure TV audio output it must be an audio waveform with out dc voltage, if there is dc voltage you should repair your TV first.
And your surround equipment can be repair, usually the circuit use a kind of pre-amp circuit and digital switch system, and maybe your TV blew the pre-amp circuit.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:40 pm    Post subject: Audio Inputs/outputs

When I ise the reciever and hook up any aux input (ie: CD Player, DVD player, Video Game, VCR) top the aux inputs i get the audio on Aux 3 but Aux 1 & 2 are dead. First I put the audio outputs from the TV to Aux 1. It worked foir a second then blew. Then I moved to Aux 2. It worked for a second then blew. I suspect that the TV is putting out too much amperage and or voltage and taking out the Aux Inputes. Is this possible? If yes are the inputs protected with a fuse diode or something else that can be replaced. If the TV providing too much out put how do I test it and or repair it. I am afraid to hook the TV out put to any other amps because I suspect it will just continue to damage whatever I hook it up to.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:23 pm    Post subject:

If Radio / CD, etc. ALL work ... Your receiver is fine.
To confirm, take one of your working inputs (for example your CD player), unplug both the CD and TV and "swap" the inputs. If the CD player works on BOTH "Functions" (and the TV does NOT work on either "Function"), the receiver is fine and you only need to troubleshoot TV.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reciever

jts1957 wrote:
Does the receiver work on any other Function? Radio / CD, etc.?

Yes, It has 3 Aux inputs. 2 are blown. Everthing else works great. The reciever is a 500 Watt Radioshack Dolby 5.1 surround unit.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:30 pm    Post subject:

Does the receiver work on any other Function? Radio / CD, etc.?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:06 pm    Post subject:

Make and model number?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:04 pm    Post subject: aux input & output

I believe the aux output on my TV blew the inputs on my surround sound system. How do I check and or repair the audio in on the reciever and the output on the TV?

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