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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:25 pm    Post subject:

ok. friends i am marco antonio muñiz mancilla from queretaro mexico

the power supply works as follows. is a slave master Porl switching power supply has three transistors in both the input and 4 output transistors in Czech the 4 diodes and transistors 4 exchange them for new entry and go, never connect to the stream being disarmed the power supply.rco antonio muñiz mancilla from queretaro mexico
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:34 am    Post subject: How can PC power supplies be damaged?

Many computer users perform their own hardware upgrades, and a distressing number of these result in insufficient damage to the system. Destroying your own computer is every user's right and is the pattern of behaviour expected by the manufacturers and, especially, repair personnel, whose very livelihood is put in peril by those users who perversely persist in correctly upgrading their equipment.

This article will explain to you, the user, the most common ways by which you can cause your computer to cease to function. Follow the instructions carefully and you will shortly find yourself making appropriate contributions to the all-important service sector.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:47 pm    Post subject:

Lots of ways a psu can be damaaged!!!!

Why do you ask? Could it be you went out and got a new one if so why, are you not masquerading any symptoms that might help us give a more definite answer?

You can buy faulty items as well. On the other hand it could be you have an Intel CPU and not connected the extra 4 pin plug to the mobo or maybe you disturbed a PCI card... or damaged the mobo by a ESD (electro static discharge).

Dainard Jackson
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:49 pm    Post subject: How can PC power supplies be damaged?

Hi guys,

I'm trying to find out why my brand new power supply for my dell is now defunct. DAMN blinking amber light. Any idea highly appreciated. Hope you will cooperate.

Thank you
Dainard Jackson

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